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PLANNING AND DISTANCE something to think about
Created by Steve Bartlett
Often in Self Defence the techniques and scenarios we run through look at defending ourselves once we have been attacked. 

But wouldn’t it be better if it didn’t happen in the first place? How does this idea of prevention affect our thought processes and plans?

Whether defending yourself on the street or at home, for personal safety or looking after others, planning ahead is great advice.

We teach our children to be aware of strangers, not to get into people’s cars, look both ways before crossing the street, stay together, watch where they’re going, lock the doors, so why not do it ourselves?

Planning ahead: where are you going, who you’re going with, how long will you be, how you’re getting home; these are all things you would ask your children before you would let them go anywhere, so why not plan it for yourself?

When was the last time you walked down the street with your head down, looking at your screen totally oblivious to your surroundings? If your child does that we tell them to watch where they’re going.

If your daughter decided to stay back at a club when all her group was leaving would you be ok with that….. (Then why do we do it)?

As we grow older we tend to fall into the “it will never happen to me” category and hopefully it never does.

We all agree we should be able to walk around and go about our business where and when we want; but we also know it’s not a perfect world.

Sometimes you must think “maybe I shouldn’t”.

Predators want to close distance, invade our space and isolate us as quickly as they can. This is what they want. So, if we walk around heads down, by ourselves, unaware of what’s going on around us we give them an advantage. It’s time to look up, plan and be aware. 

Take their advantage away!

Plan ahead.

These are just some of the practices you can talk about with those closest to you with the goal of making everyone safer when going about your daily lives.

This is just one of the many modules we cover and dive into during our Women’s Self Defence course. I hope this small piece ignites a conversation at your house the next time you are all together.

Do Something for Yourself Today……….

To your success,


PS - If you'd like to learn more about how our SELF DEFENCE SYSTEM works then you'll love this short movie we made that shows you exactly how we do it and how you can Do Something For Yourself Today for your pathway to empowerment.

If you have any questions regarding what you just watched in this video please put them in the comments and I will be sure to reply.

Steve Bartlett

 Steve Bartlett helps women start their pathway to empowerment. 

If you're interested in starting your journey to be more secure and self-confident then definitely reach out and  request a free strategy session today.
Mike Gowans CEO and Founder, MartialArtsGrowth.com

Steve Bartlett

 Steve Bartlett helps women start their pathway to empowerment. 

If you're interested in starting your journey to be more secure and self-confident then definitely reach out and
Mike Gowans CEO and Founder, MartialArtsGrowth.com
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